Wednesday, September 16, 2009


You know what?
life sux sometimes and u have to put up with it's crap!!!
2day one of my teachers went NUTS!!!!! he has a rep for being phyco and he flips out at the smallest stuff.Like 2day my friend Leeann was getting dismissed 30 minutes early and she kepy lookin at her watch and the second time and he said,"Leeann if i wanted you to look at the clock all day i wouldn't teach. I would make this a room filled with clocks!!!" Leeann had this ' oh yeah I'm sorry' look on her face and whenhe turned around I looked at her and she had a 'OMG what is the matter with this guy ?' look on her face. I gave the ' I know what you mean' look on my face. Then my teacher was on the verg of FLIPPING OUT when..... the bell rang! and all I could wisper was, "thank God!"

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Hey peeps it Les!!!!
welcom to Everything You need 2 NO!
the title is kind of self explanitory
so explore>>>>>>..........